Hitting a car's windshield at 30mph is like falling off a three story building.

Colorado Department of Transportation released a pretty graphic PSA about the importance of wearing your seatbelt.

Launching a crash test dummy off the third story of the 7th Street Garage in Denver, CDOT demonstrates the force that the human body experiences when hitting a windshield at just 30mph. And some of the windy, cliff-side mountain roads of Colorado have speed limits much higher than 30mph. Don’t be the person who gets hurt because they weren’t doing something as simple and easy as wearing their seatbelt.

Hitting the windshield at just 30 miles per hour feels like the equivalent of falling off a three-story building. That’s why buckling up is the single most effective thing you can do to prevent harm from happening to you in a crash. In this experiment, Colorado Department of Transportation partnered with Dr. Molly Thiessen to show how deadly not wearing a seat belt can be. Whether you’re a driver or a passenger, seat belts help keep you safe. Buckle up and shift into safe.

Colorado Department of Transportation on seatbelt safety:

The numbers don’t lie. Every day, seat belts save lives in Colorado. When you wear one, you instantly reduce your chance of injury or death by 50%. That’s why buckling up is the single most effective thing you can do to prevent harm from happening to you. Whether you’re a driver or a passenger, seat belts help keep you safe. After all, a crash can happen to anyone. In fact, there’s a 1 in 40 chance that you will be involved in a crash this year. And most passengers who died in crashes weren’t buckled up.

Not only is wearing a seat belt required by law, but they protect you against the most unforgiving laws of all — physics. From low-speed crashes to violent rollovers, wearing one protects against intense amounts of force. Wearing your seat belt protects you and those around you. Make sure everyone in your car is buckled up. Together, we can save lives and keep Colorado safe. Buckle up and shift into safe.

When you don’t buckle up, you endanger more than your own life. Drivers and passengers alike often fail to consider how unbuckled occupants continue moving, sometimes at high speed, during a crash. When that happens, they become projectiles capable of seriously hurting or killing other people in the vehicle.

Being unbuckled also increases your chance of being thrown from the car — regardless of your position within it. In fact, an unbelted rear-seat passenger increases the risk of fatality for the driver by 137%, compared with a belted rear-seat occupant.

Colorado Department of Transportation

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