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Leevin’ By The Bunch Is a Criminally Underrated Ski Movie

It should be known by now that I’m a big-time-super-extraordinary-fan of everything The Bunch puts out there, but I somehow missed this short film they put out last season.

I feel like an absolute idiot, and I’m going to *punish* myself by watching the film over and over and over and over again.

I just can’t help but to appreciate, no, worship the style of the skiing movies The Bunch creates. Somebody needs to find a way to synthetically produce a drug that replicates the feeling I get watching those guys ski. I’d take that drug and inject it into my veins everyday.

Or, I guess I could just keep watching The Bunch videos til the day I die. Either one seems like a viable option. Have I gone too far in professing my love for The Bunch videos? Sorry.

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