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Burton Introduces Unique Educational Tool “Training Wheels For Snowboards”

When you start out skiing as tot it isn’t hard to keep upright and inch your way down the bunny slopes, not so much for snowboarding. Just getting ta kid to stay on their feet long enough to get the feel for it can be a challenge. Thats why Burton Snowboards developed this educational tool specifically designed to help kids learn balance and gain confidence on a snowboard—all while standing sideways. Think of it like training wheels on a bike, parents can add The Handlebar to a child’s snowboard and then simply remove it when it’s no longer needed. Because of its flexibility and low-cost ($99.95), The Handlebar has become a go-to learning solution for snowboarding families around the world. Burton Area Manager Ryan Manning walks you through The Handlebar basics and how to use it with your little ones.

Benefits of The Handlebar

The Handlebar was designed to provide years of fun for kids of all ages and incorporates some industry-leading functionality that delivers excellent utility for the cost.

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