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Start Your Day With 7 of The Best Ski Jokes


7) How many telemark skiers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Two. One to turn the bulb while the other says “nice turns bra!”

6) Three snowboarders are riding in the back of a car. Who is driving?

The police.

5) What’s the difference between a cactus and a ski school jacket?

With the cactus… the prick is on the outside.

4) How do snowboarders introduce themselves?

“Sorry dude”

3) What is the difference between God and a Ski Schooler?

God doesn’t think he’s a Ski Schooler…

2) What’s the difference between a ski bum and a pizza pie?

The pizza can actually feed a family of four

1) Why do lifties only have 30 minute long breaks?

Because if they were any longer, you’d have to re-train them.

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