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The 5 Best Ski Bum Jobs

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As I write this, countless ski bums are scanning the classifieds for the ideal ski-bum job. So as these skiers search for work that allows them to ski, we thought we’d give these aspiring employees a view of the 5 most ideal ski bum careers. From heli-guides to fat-pocket bartenders, there are an array of awesome ski bum jobs but there are only a few that reign supreme.

Here are The 5 Best Ski Bum Jobs

5) Social Media Manager

Instead of hauling around 50 lbs. worth of camera gear, the Social Media Manager is usually carrying around their iPhone and/or a point-and-shoot camera. Also, the Social Media Manager is privy to the early lifts, gondi’s, and trams normally reserved for pro photographers and skiers.

4) Ski Patrol

Tossing bombs, setting off slides, and scoring first tracks are just a few of the reasons being a ski patroller rules. And although you have to deal with injuries and gapers, you’re still a patroller and throwing bombs beats any day at the office.

Also Read: Top 10 Reasons To Be A Ski Patroller.

3) Fine-Dining Bartender

Photo Credit: Vratislav Darmek via Flickr Creative Commons

As far as ski-bumming goes, there may not be a better job in the world. Work nights, make tons of cash, and ski all day. Sign me up… That said, bartender positions at 4-star restaurants are usually some of the most sought after positions in Ski Town, USA. Normally, a ski bum has to work their way up over the course of a few years before they occupy the coveted spot behind the bar.

2) Ski-journalist

First off, it’s a serious grind and you make close to nothing.  That said, writing about skiing is a lot cooler than writing obituaries for your local paper. Also, you don’t have to constantly stop to ‘set up the shot’ like a ski photographer. Instead you ski all day, then write about it at night. Repeat. Everday.

1) Heli-Guide

Flying around the backcountry and accessing peaks by helicopter? Yes, please. Simply put, being a heli-guide is the best ski bum job in the world. Heli-guides get to show countless clients ‘the best skiing of their life’ not to mention ‘testing’ slopes before their groups even put their skis on the snow.

Also Read: The 5 Worst Ski Bum Jobs

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