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Cincinnati School Teacher Smashes Rowing Speed Record with Atlantic Crossing

An Ohio high school science teacher inspired weekend warriors and desk jockeys all over the world this week by smashing the rowing speed record for a west-to-east crossing of the Atlantic by just under 15 days. Bryce Carlson, 37, made the crossing from Newfoundland, Canada to St. Mary’s in the Scilly Isles in 38 days, 6 hours and 49 minutes.  The previous record was 53 days, 8 hours and 26 minutes.

(Photo Credit: Bryce Carlson Adventures)

Bryce’s badassery makes us all wonder what’s really possible for our side passions. Hell, even capsizing a few times in the middle of the open ocean and being rerouted around the edge of a hurricane wasn’t enough to throw him off of a record pace, so maybe that PR, crunchy line, or new trick aren’t so impossible after all.

It also made for one hell of an out-of-office message:

What’s your ultimate adventure goal right now? Take a page out of Carlson’s book and just grip it and rip it.

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