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Climbing and Protecting Ancient American Architecture – Bears Ears Region, UTAH

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You may be familiar with these ancient cliff dwelling in southeastern UTAH but you may not be aware that they need our help protecting…

“If you’re a climber, chances are you’ve dreamt of climbing here or, better yet, you actually have. It’s a region that includes some of the most perfect (and the most crumbly) climbing on earth: Valley of the Gods, Texas Tower, Jacob’s Chair, Cedar Mesa, the Abajo Mountains and, dear to climbers, Indian Creek. But we weren’t the first climbers on this remarkable landscape. Ancient people climbed precarious routes and built dwellings high in the cliffs.

As the threats of oil drilling, looting, and massive increases in visitors mount, local climbers, conservationists and Native American communities are joining forces to protect the area that they call Bears Ears. You can help preserve access and honor ancient climbers with your action. Stand with us. Protect Bears Ears – Up to 2 million acres of incomparable desert landscape in southeastern Utah need protection.”

For more info on how to donate go HERE

For an extended article brought to you by Patagonia go HERE

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