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Grant Gunderson: Photographer’s Favorites

Grant Gunderson Photography

Grant Gunderson is kicking some serious ass in the ski industry right now.  If you haven’t heard of him yet, you’re in for a real treat because Grant has agreed to share with a collection of 10 of his favorite photographs from shotting in the mountains of the world with some of the best athletes in the world over the years.  I personally love Grant’s style because it shows me exactly what I want to see from an image, yet still leaves room for my imagination to run wild and fill in what I think is happening all around the photographer’s window.  All photos and all the words below by Grant Gunderson.

photo above: North Cascades heli has some of the steepest terrain anywhere. The costal snow will stick to way steeper slopes here than most places so you can ski some truly steep terrain, and there is no shortage of rad mountains to ski.

A bluebird day at Mt. Baker is a rarity.  Sheldon Steckman takes advantage of a brief break in storm systems and airs into the approaching cold front.

Santiago Chile has some of the worst air pollution in the worlds but it sure makes for some amazing sunsets over the Andes.

My favorite part of my daily 1.5 hour commute to Mt. Baker is passing threw this rain forest on the way to the mountain.  I always wanted to ski it, but it never really gets enough snow.  Two winters ago we had a 100 year avy cycle, where the slide paths ran way farther than I have ever seen burying the highway in over 30 feet of snow, and giving us enough snow to ski in the rain forest.  Skier: Zack Giffin

The November to remember storm cycle was followed by a bluebird day with the deepest snow I have ever skied.  Brandon Kelly is taking full advantage of face shots on every turn.

I have shot the Mt. Baker road gap more times than I can count, but this shot of Dana Flahr throwing a massive front flip over it at night always seems to stand out from all of the other sessions.

You wouldnt be skiing Baker if you didn’t ski pillows.  Zack Giffin takes pride in trying to ski more than any other other skier every season.

Portillo Chile is a special place.  Amazing hospitality, Amazing group of people that return every summer, Amazing sun and Amazing August Pow!  Pep Fujas making it even better.

Donner pass is one of my favorite places to shoot in the Tahoe area.  The terrain is amazing and in addition to all of the amazing natural features the abandoned train tunnel makes for a nice last hit.  Zack Giffin getting one last air in, before  a late dinner.

One of my favorite things about skiing in B.C. is the amazing snow covered trees.  One of my least favorite things is the brutal arctic cold that seems to set in most Januaries.  This shot is a combination of both.  Not a bad compromise.

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