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The North Face Duffel Bag- Gear Review

I’ve traveled all over the world with this North Face duffel bag. It’s truly second to none. It’s tough, it’s easy to pick out, and it’s extremely versatile. The back-pack style straps make it easy to lug around anywhere- be it the airport or the backcountry. Hell, I’ve even strapped mine to a mule or two. Don’t be fooled into buying a bag with wheels- it’s a waste weight. Think about it, nearly every airline charges for bags over 50lbs, so why waste a bunch of weight on your bag. Wheels are nice, but what are you going to have to leave behind so you have the luxury of wheeling your bag through the airport? Five pounds of gear? More. Is it really worth buying a wheeled bag (that’s probably pricier) for that convenience. Besides, how much of your trip do you spend actually carrying your bag? Sack up and sling the thing over your shoulder for the 500-yards you are actually with it on smooth terrain where the wheels are even useful. The five extra pounds of gear you can fit because of it will be worth it. I promise.

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