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Jackson – Local Review: Pica’s

So, you took Matt’s advice and managed to pick up on the Jackson Hole Tram– nice work. But now, you have to take your newly found stud/cougar/jailbait out and your ass is broke- what to do? Odds are she/he is not going to be impressed with your ingenuity of cooking hot dogs on your snowmobile muffler and washing it down with a hit of Early Times. Lucky for you there’s hope- and it comes in the form of a burrito from Pica’s.

Pica’s is afford ably priced for us skids, the grub delicious and filling. If you need to refuel after a day of getting super extreme, go for a burrito. Otherwise hit up some enchiladas that are mind-blowing but a little less filing. Want to show your softer, health conscious side? Go with a salad- when was the last time you ate anything green anyway?

And what Mexican meal isn’t complete without several Margs? Hit up the happy hour and save a buck and a quarter on these adult treats. They know how to make them at Pica’s, and by that I mean they get you (and your date) super drunk. Which, although you probably don’t need it if said date saw your exploits on the hill, can’t hurt the cause.

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