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Returning home: the Cohn brothers skiing in Telluride on December 23

Unofficial Telluride, Unofficial Networks, Skiing in Telluride, December 23, The Cohn Brothers

This is a video of the Cohn brothers, two locals who rip! On December 23 there was about 8-10 inches of new snow and no wind, so a pretty good day. However I have yet to see the seven feet everyone promised.  Where was the “storm of epic proportions” the Grand Junction Sentinel reported. NOAA and the weather network forecasted eight feet of snow in the San Juans. There was talk of  biblical snow… but we never got the big dump. Warm weather has plagued Telluride this winter and a lack of snow has caused the ski out to town to be closed until today. “All I want for Christmas is my two feet of snow”.

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