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Legend of Aahhh’s Trailer

Greg Stumps film Ledgend of Aahhh's

A look at Greg Stump’s trailer for Legend of Aahhh’s. Check out Greg Stump’s website Greg Stump Productions.The coolest thing about Greg’s website is all the old ski footage he has to watch. Hes got a a good chuck of Fistful of Mogules,  Staring Jonny Moseley (aka the golden boy) this guy is so smooth Squaw renamed Westface after him.

Here is a little info about ski movie maker Mr. Greg Stump.

“Greg Stump’s ski pioneering began at an early age when he joined a junior masters program at Pleasant Mountain Ski Area in Maine. In 1970 at age nine he won his first competition at Sugarloaf and his prowess in this PSIA style technique competition led him to freestyle, a discipline that took off at Pleasant Mountain in the seventies.

In 1978 Greg won the Junior National Championships at Copper Mountain, Colorado. His strengths were moguls and ballet which combined with aerials to fill out the competition. It was a family effort as one year Greg, Sister Kim, and brother Geoff all won their age groups at the Nationals. In 1979, Greg won the the North American Freestyle Championships at Edelweiss Valley in Ontario, becoming the first ever international amateur freestyle champion.

This was followed by two years on the professional freestyle circuit where he continued to score victories in bumps and ballet.” Greg Stump Productions

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