This video is hard to watch. Deaths from panic attacks are more common than we think among divers. In a second you can change everything. The woman accidentally spits it’s regulatory and gives a panic attack at 15 meters deep. Luckily she was in a group and was able to get to the surface.

According to Deeper Blue:

Panic is one of the leading causes of death for scuba divers. The death certificate may say drowning, however, in many cases had the diver not panic they would have likely survived. Over 20% of deaths are directly attributed to panic and another 23% list panic as a contributing factor. A DAN report cites a survey that showed 3,300 divers out of 12,000 surveyed reported at least one panic episode and cites another survey that shows 50% of divers have experienced a panic episode or near panic episode. The fact they took the survey shows that having a panic attack does not mean you will die. You may feel like you will, but you can recover.

If you’re going to go Scuba diving remaining claim. Panicking is the worst thing you can do.

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