
Old Farmer’s Almanac has been issuing a yearly longe range forecast ever since it got its start way back in 1792. Though the methods used to create these predictions may be a bit anachronistic, Old Farmer’s Almanac claims 80% accuracy in the 230 years, so interesting to see what they think will happen for the winter 2024/2025. Here’s the scoop:

 The 2025 Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts a calmer, gentler winter for 2024–2025.

“This winter, temperatures will be up and snowfall down throughout most parts of the United States. While there will still be plenty of winter chill out there and powdery snow to enjoy, the high costs associated with the season shouldn’t hit so hard. It will be, by and large, a very temperate, uneventful winter and potentially a welcome reprieve from the extremes of recent years.” -Carol Connare, Almanac Editor

There will be exceptions, of course. Winter rainstorms will leave Florida, the Deep South, and southern California sopped and soaked. Meanwhile, heavy snowfall is expected in central and southern Appalachia, the western Ohio Valley, and the Rockies—welcome news for skiers!

Western Washington will buck the overall forecast trend with a season of shivers and a series of snowstorms starting around New Year’s Eve and more or less continuing through Valentine’s Day!

About The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The Old Farmer’s Almanac is the #1 best-selling annual publication in North America—as well as oldest almanac—covering the cycle of the seasons: weather, astronomy, gardening, food, natural remedies, wit and wisdom, & everything under the Sun!

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