Captivating wildlife footage from Minnesota where a trail cam set up the Voyageurs Wolf Project was lucky enough to capture a lynx who decided to sit directly in front of the camera and stare into our collective souls.
Lynxes are solitary nocturnal hunting animasl primarily found in remote areas devoid of human activity making human encounters quite rare. Bobcats are often mistaken for the elusive lynx but there are several ways to positively identify them including their extra long tufted ears, large paws, completely black tip (resembling a tail dipped in ink) and their distinctive gait (lynx’s hips are taller than their shoulders which isn’t the case for bobcats).
The Voyageurs Wolf Project studies wolves in and around the 218,000 acres of lakes, forests, and streams of Voyageurs National Park in northern Minnesota. Their trail cam program is supported by the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund which has allows them to calculate an wolf pack populations. Since last summer they have captured 336 hours of footage and along with wolves, a wide variety of forest creatures have triggered the motion sensor cameras.
Here’s some more highlights from the last year of the Voyageurs Wolf Project trail cam program: