Arapahoe Basin CEO Alan Henceroth statement.
Arapahoe Basin CEO Alan Henceroth statement.

Gotta love a CEO that addresses his clientele directly and thats exactly what Arapahoe Basin CEO Alan Henceroth did today with the rumor mill in full churn following the ski resort being sold to Alterra. Here are three things Alan wanted to be crystal clear about for all you A-Basin devotees:

3 Critical A-Basin Messages:

Since the February announcement that A-Basin was being to sold to Alterra, we have been in a holding pattern while the sale closes. The closing is still likely a few months away. That holding pattern and the lack of new information to share with our guests has caused a lot of uncertainty. There are still many questions that remain unanswered, but today we have three new important messages to share that will bring some clarity to your A-Basin thinking.

Ikon Pass Access – There will be no change to Ikon Pass access at Arapahoe Basin for the 2024-25 season.

Season Pass Renewal – Friday, July 12 will be the last day to renew season passes at the adult pass rate of $559. We will continue to sell season passes, but the adult rate goes up to $659 after July 12.

Season Parking Passes –  For unrestricted A-Basin season pass holders, Season Parking Passes will go on sale Tuesday, July 9 at 10 AM. For details go to Parking Reservations.

The rumor mill has proven to be a very inaccurate source of information about A-Basin. For the most up to date and accurate information, please check out our website Arapahoe Basin

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