Ski resorts are not a place for fighting. Sure, your blood might boil a bit when you roll up to a 30 minute lift line, and you might start to get a little angry when the lodge employee explains that you’ll be paying $30 for three chicken tenders and a handful of french fries, but if you’re actually throwing hands on the mountain, you’re doing something seriously wrong.
This fight apparently broke out at Lee Canyon ski area, located just an hour away from the Las Vegas strip. According to the description on the video, tensions began to rise when a group of kids cut in the lift line. Arguments continued chair-to-chair once everyone was on their way up and, from there, things just got worse.

“Three chairs ahead of me once they got off, chaos ensued by the time I got the camera camera up the second board was going downhill and then the real fists started flying once I got off the chair at the top. First segment was mostly bunny punches and shoving. Real brawl started in the last half of the video.“
Seriously though, who’s getting in fist fights at ski resorts? Have I gotten in arguments at the ski resort? Sure. Have I accidentally pissed someone off because I chirped them a little to hard from the chair? Probably. But skiing should be a happy occasion. There’s little to no reasons to be throwing hands on the mountain.
That said, skipping the lift line is slimy. I don’t care who you are or why you’re doing it, trying to jump in the front is not cool. I get a little upset when people move too far up the line to meet up with their friends. Don’t be cutting.

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Image Credit: Tuna No CRust Garage via YouTube