“Savage! Grizzly rips wall off cabin to get at moose meat‼️ There’s not much that can stop a motivated bear. When it decides it wants something bad enough, there’s no amount of wall that will stop it.”
If you live in grizzly country and think a cabin is enough to keep bears from pilfering your food, you may want to rethink your strategy. Check out this video posted by Rogue River Outfitters of a griz tearing through a cabin wall to get at a moose quarter. It’s no secret that these animals are incredibly powerful but to see one open up a wall like peeling back the lid of can of tuna really puts it in perspective.
We are located north of Whitehorse, the capital city of the Yukon Territory. Hunters fly into Whitehorse, and flown into the bush from either Whitehorse or our base camp in Mayo depending on logistics, weather, etc. The moose that live in our Rogue River outfitting territory in the Yukon are the largest antlered game in the world, the mightiest of the North American moose species, the literal giant, Alces alces gigas! Tucked between Alaska and Canada’s Northwest Territories, the Yukon is a world-class hunting destination for moose, Dall sheep, grizzly bear, wolf and mountain caribou. Our remote outfitting area offers spectacular mountain scenery, fish-filled rivers and lakes, wide, timbered valleys and incredible hunting; the perfect place for serious hunters seeking the adventure of a lifetime!