Stan Mills was hiking alone in Yellowstone National Park. He brought along his camera to take some shots of nature and wildlife, but he got a little bit more than he bargained for.

He realized, at one point during his hike, that he was surrounded by six grizzly bears deep in the vast Yellowstone wilderness.

I highly encourage you watch the full video, but you can skip ahead to the 1:08 mark if you’re looking for action. That’s when Mills begins to yell at the bears to deter them from getting any closer.

Stan Mills: “This was an encounter with 6 bears in a span of about 15 minutes. I took this video with my first video camera (Canon SX50) so it is low resolution and did not have video stabilization. This is the one and only time that I actually yelled at grizzly bears; now days I may say something to them in a nice quiet calm voice if they get too close but never in a loud voice”

Pretty intense video, right? You can tell how panicked Mills was based on his visual reaction towards the end of the video.

Hopefully he was carrying bear spray…

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