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“Employment Tinder” Hopes To Help Individuals Find Jobs In The Adventure Travel Industry

Looking to find a ski industry job so you can ski empty mid week powder days but not really sure where to start? Hoping to spend next summer as a kayak guide, raft guide or mountain guide, but struggling to figure out how to go about finding a company to work for? Struggling to figure out the economic problems surrounding working in the adventure travel industry? Boy do I have the website for you!

See You Next Season is an Australian based company that claims to be the “‘Tinder’ for the adventure travel industry” that assists seasonal workers in finding solid jobs while providing a resource for outdoor businesses to find solid potential employees. Yes, it’s meant to help with the employee shortage slamming the ski industry and other outdoor businesses, but it also claims to assist those looking to actually find the jobs as well.

The founders and current leaders of the company were all, once upon a time, major ski bums, so they aren’t alien to the idea of working in the industry, and potential employers pay for your contact information. What does that mean for you? Well, hopefully it means little to no fake emails saying “we want to hire you!” or something like that, causing you to waste your time submitting applications to companies that will never get back to you.

The website also features a general “Know before you go.” blog, which provides information on working at specific resorts, general regional tips for Australia, the Untied States, Canada, and New Zealand, and some general advice for working in the outdoor industry.

“With more than 50 years combined experience in the ski and tourism sectors, we’ve created a platform to help seasonal workers and young travellers find great jobs. The platform also helps tourism businesses find amazing staff significantly reducing their HR costs .” See You Next Season

The best feature of the program is that it’s free for prospective employees. Registration is fairly simple, requiring your name and some general information about qualifications, desired location and start date, and what jobs you’re interested in.

I’ll admit, for a period of time, I was thinking of trying to live and work on a ski resort. I tried to do my research, I talked to people, but it was still fairly difficult. At the end of the day, joining that industry definitely seems like a bit of a leap, but, hopefully, See You Next Season will be able to lighten the load for many.

Image Credit: cu_nextseason on Instagram

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