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VIDEO: Adorable Black Bear Cubs Attempt To Charge Camera Man

If you’re feeling down or having a rough day, I highly recommend you give this video a watch.

These ABSOLUTELY adorable black bear cubs certainly seem to be trying their hardest to scare away the camera man, and fortunately whoever filmed this is smart enough to know not to go up to them and try to be friendly. And yes, despite their cinnamon color, these guys are probably black bears.

I do have a few concerns relating to this video. Mainly if the mother is anywhere near by, the camera man is definitely putting himself in some hardcore danger by filming this close. Secondly, though, if the mother isn’t anywhere near by, that could mean some very sad news relating to her whereabouts. Hopefully the man behind the camera either knew the cubs were safe or contacted the proper authorities to get these cubs some help.

Image Credit: Eric Stafford on YouTube

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