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Snowboarder Loses His Mind Celebrating Cliff Jump From Chairlift (VIDEO)

Damn. I know you haven’t watched the video yet, but wooooo I got a wave of stoke flowing through my finger tips after watching it. Feels good!

I just love when snowboarders and skiers get hype for each other. Ya know what I mean? Whether it’s a dude ‘yewwwwing’ from the chairlift or pals sharing stories at the après bar. It just gets me all jazzed up.

It’s nice to know there’s thousands of other people like me out there. We just fricken love skiing and snowboarding, and yeah. That’s pretty much it.

Enjoy the snowboarder get all fired up for the skier sending a cliff at Brighton Resort, UT in the clip below. It’s a real treat. You’ll see what I mean after you watch the video, but just remember-

1 SKI!!!!!!!!!

Radrockin“Extreme Sports can have Extreme or life threatening consequences. Please Don’t try this at home! Rad and Jenn are snowboarding at Brighton Ski resort and we are on the Crest lift when all of the sudden we see a skier committing to the gnarly cliff drop , the skier gets him selfed stoked, charges the cliff, loses a ski and plummets to the ground 65 ft. Crazy!!! Hope you see this dude. hope you got your ski off the cliff and we hope your okely dokely!
Filmed with gorpro hero 8 . My mount fell off in the car after a long day of riding, I want to know what go pro mount you suggest for your helmet.”

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