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VIDEO: A-Basin COO Announces COVID-19 Seasonal Layoffs & Reduced Schedule For Full-Timers

“I am very sad to say that we will be letting all 430 of our seasonal full-time and part-time employees go effective April 1.”

Alan Henceroth has never been the type to hide behind the door of a corner office while running the show at Arapahoe Basin. On the contrary, A-Basin’s COO has been quite transparent about his decision making during his tenure and that remains the same during the coronavirus crisis. Usually, Alan sticks to writing on his blog to let folks know what’s going on behind the scenes but he let the cameras roll for this important announcement about the future of the resort’s employees during the COVID-19 pandemic.


The COVID-19 Pandemic has been an unprecedented event, a kind never seen in our lifetimes. The outbreak has brought the local, national and world economies to their knees. More and more of us have a friend or relative or know of someone who has fallen ill. This event is tragic and its impact on the world is enormous.

This is a horrible time for Colorado. Governor Polis has extended his Executive Order to keep ski areas closed through April 6. There is no clear indication of when the ski area will re-open. It seems likely that we are still weeks away. While we have every intention of re-opening The Basin, we have no idea when that will be.

I am very sad to say that we will be letting all 430 of our seasonal full-time and part-time employees go effective April 1. Affected employees will receive two weeks of pay based on what they were scheduled to work after March 14, a $.50 bonus for each hour worked this season and all of their accrued PTO. For full-time seasonal employees who have health insurance through us, the ski area will pay their monthly health insurance premiums for May and June. We strongly encourage each employee to closely track developing government and Arapahoe Basin assistance programs for those feeling financial and/or personal hardship from the pandemic.

Beginning April 1, our 70 full-time year-round employees will go down to ¾ time with the ability to augment their compensation through PTO.

Employees are encouraged to view the FAQ page with more details through their Paylocity Portal.

I am saddened by the chain of events surrounding COVID-19. We value and cherish all the efforts of every employee at Arapahoe Basin.  We wish healthiness to all through these troubling times.


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