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The Deadliest Snowstorm In History Dropped 26 Feet of Snow in 7 Days | 4,000 Killed

The Deadliest Snowstorm In History

A seven day snowstorm in February 1972 dropped between 3 to 8 meters of snow (10-26 feet) on the nation of Iran. During the storm, temperatures fell to as low as -13 degree Fahrenheit.

The blizzard impacted rural areas in northwestern, central and southern Iran with devastating results. The snow was so deep, it literally buried thousands of people, many of whom where waiting out the storm in their homes. The villages of Kakkan and Sheklab were entirely buried with no survivors.


“According to Associated Press reports, some rescue workers who’d been dropped on a snow drift burying a village called Sheklab dug for two days straight, burrowing through 8 feet of snow, only to find 18 frozen bodies and no one—not one single person in a population of 100—still alive.” –

In the end the blizzard of 1972, which it has come to be known as,  wiped 200 villages off the map and killed an estimated 4,000 people.

Also Read: The 10 Deadliest Avalanche Events in History 

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