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WATCH: Moose Charges Road Biker On Alaskan Trail

Dicey choice for this Alaskan road biker that got a bit too close to a protective momma moose and her baby while out for a ride on Glenn Highway outside Anchorage on Monday afternoon.  Both the biker and the moose are fine. Maybe next time give the moose a wider birth…especially if its with a calf:

If you’re wondering why this was filmed in the first place, it was a Facebook LIVE stream by the local news channel KTVA 11 covering the moose. Here’s what they had to say about it.

UPDATE: About 10 minutes from the end of this live stream, Momma moose charged a bicyclist and the KTVA crew nearby rushed to intervene. Our crews were far away from the moose in an effort to not agitate her, but once the cyclist fell from his bike, we felt compelled to act.

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