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“I don’t know how someone can just walk away when someone is screaming, when you know you’ve hit that person,” -Patricia Koenig
Authorities are searching for the perpetrator of a hit and run collision that happened on Feb. 12 around 11:40 a.m. on Vail Mountain in the Game Creek Bowl area just below Chair 7 as reported by CBS Denver.
“I was below the snow skiing swing on Chair 7. I looked left and right I saw which side my family was going and I was ready to take off and that’s the last thing I remember. The doctors feel he came directly from the back because of my injuries.” -Patricia Koenig
The investigation is hampered as there is no description of the suspect as he or she wasn’t witnessed by Koenig or the family. The collision has left her with serious injuries including a concussion and multiple fractures. Koenig faces a long road of rehab is in an assisted living center while she goes through physical therapy treatment.
This is story makes me madder than hell and I hope our audience can bring Patricia some justice. If you live in Vail and might have heard something please do the right thing.
If you have any information about this hit and run (no detail too minor) please callthe Eagle County Sheriff’s Office at (970) 328-8500 or Eagle County Crime Stoppers at 970-328-7007 or submit your tip online at www.tipsubmit.com. You can also text a tip from your cell phone by texting STOPCRIME plus your message to CRIMES (274637). If your tip leads to the arrest and indictment of any suspect involved, you could earn up to a $1,500 reward from the Crime Stoppers.