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Boring Life? | Try This Race

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Perhaps you recall the last epic race hosted by The Adventurists and blogged about here on Unofficial, the Ice Run across Siberia on old Ural motorbikes. It looked fun, albiet chilly.

Now, the next great adventure has been schemed up by the Adventurists and this time it is across Peru on Moto-taxis (or rickshaws, or Tuk-Tuks, or any other nickname for the famously unreliable yet strangely resilient three-wheeled sofa-motorcycle-things). Peru has a bit more variation in topography than Siberia I would imagine, such as jungles and deserts and mountains, but the best part about this race is that you can still enter it. You don’t have to be sponsored by Marmot or Ducati to try your hand at adventure. You just get a team together and pay some money, and probably hope that you are one of the first to do this. Interested? I am. Get some more information about the Mototaxi-Junket. 

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