The past two days at Cerro Catedral, Bariloche have brought two completely different weather worlds. From ripping sunny hot laps off of Nubes to feeling your way by braille through a thick sloppy soup of a fog back to Sextuple, we’ve had it all. Here’s the breakdown of what went down the past two days in Catedral:
August 3rd
– Warm
– Sun Shine
– Ripping wind buff
– Nubes open for hot laps
August 4th
– Fog thicker than pea soup
– Lifts “conditional”
– Nubes Closed
– Cold
As inclement weather was in bound on the 3rd, the views around Bariloche continued to be all time. With high altitude winds and a day of sunshine the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle Volcano in Chile was clearly visible in all it’s terrifying glory. Patagonia certainly proffers some of the most profound views to boot.
While the fog made for a less than ideal ski adventure today (the 4th), it does mean good things to come. With snow beginning to fall at the resort and forecasts promising substantial new snow over night, it looks like the refresh button is half way triggered. And the forecast for the next few days remains unsettled and this means bring out the big boards and brace for impact ladies and gents, we’re gonna have a powdeo on our hands!
So if you’re on the fence about where ya wanna head this weak, the decision is already made. Cerro Catedral in Bariloche is the place to be!