Travis Rice’s movie trailer for The Art of Flight.
Seth Morrison’s movie trailer for The Ordinary Skier.
To be fair Seth has been getting skunked hardcore everywhere he’s gone. I actually saw Seth in Chamonix in 2010 when the conditions were terrible. I saw him again this summer in Patagonia when the conditions were beat. He told my good buddy who guided him that they’ve been getting skunked everywhere they’ve gone.
The fact that Seth is seen skiing a 10 foot long rock ride in Patagonia with a buddy in this video is actually pretty sad. It’s a cool/fun feature, but it really isn’t what any of us are looking for, thinking about, nor hoping to see we imagine the potential of Seth Morrison.
Travis Rice’s trailer on the other hand…Yeah, there really isn’t a lot to say because it’s legitimately Badass. Every aspect of it blows minds. The cinematography, the riding, the humor, the frightening largeness of the airs, the ridiculous inverted tree-tapping, the avalanches, the jumping out of helicopters, the synchronized AK spine riding, the huge cornice collapses, and especially the road-warrior fire work fights. I love fire work fights.
So, watch ‘em both and lemme know what you guys think? Let’s tally up the votes and I’ll put up a post next week and crown the winner: Seth Morrison or Travis Rice.