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You people are the best! The answers we received from our Squallywood series are above and beyond. It’s absolutely safe to say that we have the most vibrant, killer ski community on planet earth. Reading all the comments, and personal emails sent in to Unofficial staff members based on these articles, it’s just undeniable.  It also caused us staffers to reminisce about what brought us to Squaw, and Tahoe in general. Everyone has a story, even those of you who are born-and-raised in Tahoe, or those of you who have spent your formative years in the Bay Area (and still do). The thing is, even if you were born in Truckee, and have lived in the Valley your whole life, at some point, you have a choice about where to call home, and what ski area will be your home mountain. The many east coast transplants that help identify Tahoe made a conscious decision at some point to come here instead of wherever else. All these amazing comments and stories emailed to us the past few weeks made us want to ask you all,


“What brought you to Tahoe?”




“Why do you choose to ski at Squaw”


All of us at Unofficial know there’s no place else like Squaw Valley USA, we think most of you agree 100%, and everyone has a story.

So what’s yours?

Post your stories in the comment section. After this post has been up for a week or so we’ll pick a few standout stories and post them individually on the site.

One winner will receive 50 smakers, and 2 runner ups will get an Unofficial hat for their efforts!


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6 replies on “$50 Unofficial Contest | Squaw Stories | Tales from Olympic Valley, California”